Tips Before Scheduling and Driving Freely

18 Oct by Iggy Gwenevere

Tips Before Scheduling and Driving Freely

The practical exam is and remains an exciting thing, of course, a lot depends on it! It makes sense that you have light nerves for this moment. Also, don’t be fooled by all the weird ghost stories doing the rounds; that only a certain percentage of students are allowed to pass, or examiners who unjustly fail students all of them have stories! Of course, it is always human work and only a snapshot; Assume that the examiner is scheidung his/her exam and also he/she are well trained and will really form the best and fairest possible assessment for each student. The examiner is not there to let you down, he wants to get an objective picture of your driving skills.

Make sure you are well prepared

The most important thing is that you have had enough lessons before you can drive. You have to feel that you are ready for it. Make sure you have full control over the vehicle. If you have mastered driving sufficiently, you can safely drive around with an examiner for half an hour.

Don’t make it too big a point

The examiner is absolutely not out to let you down. He just wants to see what you’ve learned over the past few weeks. Therefore, no matter how difficult, consider it as if it were a normal driving lesson.

Special transactions

Perhaps the most criticized point among students. Parallel parking in particular is a dreaded special operation. However, don’t worry too much about these special transactions. They don’t have to be flawless! The most important thing is that you follow the traffic rules and that you keep looking closely. If you have to stab more when parking, this is not a problem at all. Just make sure you don’t endanger other road users.

Don’t look too much in your mirrors

Often the tip goes that you should clearly show the examiner that you are looking closely. However, the examiner will also see this if you do this in a normal way. Looking back extensively is even dangerous. Do not drive faster or slower than usual. Just ride the ride with the knowledge you’ve acquired.

Don’t try to drive flawlessly

No one can drive flawlessly, not even your driving instructor and your examiner. When you make a small mistake you should not immediately panic and think that you have failed. It’s not about the mistake, but how you fix it. After you make a mistake, try to forget the mistake and focus on the rest of the ride. Let it go!

Drive confidently and decisively

Believe in yourself. Stand behind your decisions and dare to drive. Even if you aren’t always confident, the trick is to appear as if you are. Don’t appear doubtful to other drivers, that’s when you make mistakes.


Don’t attach too much importance to this. The examiner does not care whether you drive 51 km or 49 km. The most important thing is that you adapt your speed to the situation. For example, the situation may require you to drive a little slower than the permitted speed, because, for example, a truck is loading and unloading. When possible, drive on as quickly as possible. This ensures a good flow.

Before the exam

Get a good night’s sleep before the exam. Don’t go to bed too late and don’t sleep in too long. Try not to think too much about the exam, although it may be difficult. Try to relax. It is rumored that eating a banana improves concentration and alertness. You can always try this. Do not take narcotic drugs for the nerves. These often have a negative impact on your alertness and they harm you more than they benefit you.
