Speed: Fun and Risk

12 Feb by Iggy Gwenevere

Speed: Fun and Risk

Speed ​​is the root cause of all troubles on the road.

Speeding or choosing the wrong speed is a very special kind of driving “sins”. For ordinary drivers, such things as “drunkenness” while driving, driving in an oncoming lane, driving a red line are unacceptable and taboo.

Such driving is dangerous and can lead to serious consequences. At the same time, a relatively small excess of the established speed limit is considered quite normal and excusable. Moreover, this is not even a violation by and large, the main thing is not to get caught by the inspector or under the camera.

About 20% of drivers do not know at all that traffic regulations limit their speed depending on specific road conditions, and only 25% have heard something about it, that is, almost half of drivers do not know how to behave in different weather conditions.

The consequence of this is the statistical fact that about a third of all accidents occur either due to speeding or because the speed does not correspond to specific road conditions. And during the investigation of most of the remaining accidents.

An incorrectly chosen speed had an indirect impact on the tragic consequences of the accident.

For example, the cause of an accident is called going into the oncoming lane, but exceeding the permissible speed is considered a secondary factor. Or hitting a pedestrian at a pedestrian crossing occurs at a speed limit of 60 km / h in the city, where the driver should slow down in any case.

A violation of the speed limit is one of the most frequent causes of road accidents, and, according to the laws of physics, with increasing speed, the severity of the consequences of road accidents increases exponentially. In an accident at a speed of 30 km / h, the risk of death for a pedestrian is 5%, at 50 km / h – 40%, and at 65 km / h – already 84%. Depending on the speed in a collision, unfastened people receive the same damage as when falling onto a solid base from different heights: 40 km / h-6.3 m, 60 km / h-14 m, 80 km / h-25 m

Automakers create and actively advertise more and more powerful cars that allow you to drive at speeds that are not allowed in any country in the world.

Commercials promote racing at breakneck speeds. And this tension between reasonable safety requirements and the desire to promote perfect powerful cars in fact, misinforms consumers, urging them to drive faster and faster. Given the implications of this, automakers should pay more attention to the social responsibility of business in the field of road safety when your car breaks down.

That is why such violation of traffic rules as exceeding or wrong choice of speed served as the main idea for the next large-scale social campaign “Nowhere to hurry”, just as the snow melts, the roads dry, and the drivers become more carefree. And this is the right time to remind them of the right choice of speed. And that it is worth looking at the speedometer more often.
